Comments |
Such a beautiful castle. Love the setting too. Bet they don't have running water of heat. Aloha |
I love this castle. Even have a model of it. great Photograph. |
I really like this. The 'usual' image is to put the castle in the frame and leave out the surroundsing area. Here you have taken a massive castle and put it into perspective with the mountains and valleys. Very nice. |
yes, I love how the trees and rocky cliffs show. This is the best picture of Neuschwanstein I've ever seen. And I'd much rather live here than some hot, sunny island. I get enough sun in Socal. |
I agree with weesel.. It has become a romantic way of showing this castle... the surroundings are needed for that. |
((***All qualifications! Sublime***)) ***V*** |
oh my!!! how extrodinary! that these marvels actually exist in such a beautiful setting.. an amazing castle & feat of architecture built up on the hill like that.. a fantastic shot! :] |
Unique view... wonderful memories to this place :o) Thanks for sharing! |
Agree with the above..a great view of the castle! |
Beautiful! The thubnail invites to a degree, but this broader view is tremendous. |
Magnificent castle and landscape....and a terrific photo. :) |
Excellent photo of a great landscape. The view is perfect. Excellent!!! |
Impressive and beautiful landscape and castle. |
my favorite castle on this planet awesome pov and incredible view and sceneI love it!! WOW~~~! |
Great landscape and pano shot, nicely controlled. Well done. |
this is one of the most beautiful photos..love this..thanks for sharing..*S* |
An incredible castle that's used thankfully in many stories! :) Beautiful capture! |
Ah, the castle of Baron Bomburst, ruler of Vulgaria.....: "oh, zat kah, zat kah, I vant zat kah, for my burstday" LOL (also the model for Sleeping Beauty's castle in all the Disney parks....) a very well framed shot, nice. |
Wov excellent landscape with nice architecture. have a good day |
Very impressive photo and architecture...It invokes a sense of wonder....& amazement...**V** |
A Imagem "Neuschwanstein Castle", combinando as cores mais escuras na composição da floresta nos remete ao misticismo. Os castelos são considerados como verdadeiras fortalezas de segurança máxima, com suas muralhas de proteção aos invasores. |
O castelo é esplendoroso, sua presença imponente nos faz ter a sensação de estar num momento de ostentação e de poder ao observar a imagem. |
O que mais me intriga nesta imagem é a sua veracidade. A construção do tempo nublado com a enorme estrutura do castelo ressuscita em mim algo misterioso incapaz de colocar em palavras, a dúvida de o que pode ter ocorrido dentro das paredes faz me pensar em diversas histórias do mundo medieval. |
A arquitetura lembra as antigas construções dos grandes castelos europeus, o que nos ajuda a lembrar de um conto de fadas. As fortes influências do classicismo greco-romano, e do renascimento italiano se misturaram na arquitetura do castelo. |
"WOOOOOWWWWWW" Magnificent!!!!!!!!!! |
...beautiful merger of man-made and nature -- might benefit from a closer crop - this view gives more scale but seen in another way almost makes the castle look like a tiny exquisitly detailed miniature....great shot. |
I remember all those gorgeous castells those times I hitchiked through europa :) This is an awesome capture!!! |